Separate names with a comma.
Better an option than "only if you buy trim xxx".
The newer valves also have a "nipple" to connect tubing so you can drain directly into a container rather than hoping the wind doesn't blow too...
Don't forget to report your :cry: MPG / L/100km going UP those hills as well as the regen going down ;)
Hmmm, true. I have to start thinking Prime vs Gen II. Clearly the charging function needs to be able to monitor the battery with the car fully...
Given the high voltage battery is disconnected until the car goes to Ig On, it seems unlikely anything would be available with the car off.
And to add to the misery, my power company started a rebate program AND a free L2 Charger program for EVs and plug-ins.... for cars purchased...
Sure would. I miss the second glove box in the Gen II, not sure the single one in the Prime is even as big as the lower one in the Gen II. I...
I think you'll find it hard to do that over any distance but good for you getting it on just under a mile.
I guess that is the "up side" of outrageous grid prices. The price of solar isn't tied to the price of electricity so your payback is fast.
You are correct. I was ecstatic the few times I got over 60 MPG on 10 or more gallons in my Gen II. Had to be back roads with rolling hills and...
How long to the batteries last? Seems it might be cheaper in the long run to get one with replaceable batteries.
With my regular driving habits, I'll be going to the gas station to get gas for the riding mower a lot more often than to put gas in the car....
That is true if you come up on a car going quite a bit slower or someone merges in front of you. Or, as noted before, a car is getting in the off...
Fine for those with iPhones. No Android Auto for the rest of the world?
CC isn't for use in heavy rain or when the roads have snow or ice. Doesn't matter if it is DCC or regular.
But without the installment fees. At the moment, with gas going up pretty quick, it might be a good time to fill the tank thus putting off some...
No natural gas here. Well there is, but only in the cities on the western side of the state. Propane is $4.25/gallon meaning WAY expensive....
Seems like you really should be going to Prime Energy in Wakefield since they kindly named their business after your car :D That is what I do to...
My guess is you are going to see a lot of the ugly MPGs on those wide open roads. I suspect there will be a lot of 70 and 75 postings.