Separate names with a comma.
There is no line to tow. Consumer demand and lower cost will win the day. The switch over will definitely happen in the next 5 yrs. That is why...
A lot faster than anyone thinks. will be limited by how fast the auto companies can make them. Personal car ownership is also in decline. Major...
Define kill. 10% of today's volume or $ amount? 1%? 0%? Number of companies making Gasoline engines? etc.
Don't know if I've posted these here yet, but there is much reason for optimism, as more and more studies are showing. This one is an easy read:...
Even if you obtained your electricity from 100% coal generation, you would still be lessening the demand for oil - I think. As the demand goes...
The Prius was revolutionary in the early 2000s. Just kick*ss fuel economy. However, technology doesn't sit still. Need the next revolution, not a...
The conversion to EV will not need any government subsidies, the marketplace will demand it. How many people who traded in their horse for a car,...
I'd say if they ran out of money, there would be several white knights waiting to pick up the pieces. Two profitable quarters in a row now. I...
Sad that the 2010s seem to have this burning oil issue. Other than that, I'd bet they could go 200,000+ like the other model years. Best to figure...
Gave it to my son when I bought a model S. He kept it for 4 yrs before getting a used Miata. He sold it to AutoNation. I think they did their own...
Our family has 4 priuses. The two oldest (2010) have started burning oil (125,000 and 140,000 miles). A quart or two every 3000 miles. Result? One...
I'd be more specific than that - "keeping the planet's environment hospitable for human life" is probably even more accurate. Saving human...
After 5 priuses (including one PiP), I jumped ship when the Prime came out. They nailed the hybrid technology, but it seems the hybrid technology...
I'm starting to wonder what they will do for Gen 5. It doesn't sound like it will be a major EV platform. The hybrid can't get much more efficient...
Coupled with the future Tesla Pickup, these two could put the big hurt on Ford and GM profits. It sounds like (reading the tea leaves) the serious...
I'd say allocate 2,000,000 EVs for the tax credit and put it into one pool. Laggard companies get none. Trailblazers get it all.
If you are not going to fret over money, get one of the Teslas - 3, S, or X.
I was thinking the same for our 2012 PiP. Prime didn't do it for me. Model 3 wasn't quite it either. So we still have the PiP and it is doing...
Well, the new PiP (Prime) is doing quite well, which I am very happy for. I miss the forum and Toyota. I still have my 2012 PiP. But now I have my...
Did you check what you'll get for it? I'm guessing $4,000 or 5,000. I say run it into the ground for another 4-6 yrs. That will save you the most...