Separate names with a comma.
No doubt mileage drops in cold weather and with short trips. However, what I found is that even with the drop in mileage, I'm still way ahead of...
I have absolutely no interest in getting this fixed at a body shop. May as well burn the money. It's a scratch on a brand new car. Very...
Found a scratch on my back bumper that took off about 4 inches of paint. Probably a parking lot incident. Wondering if this can just be painted...
Looks like it got chipped to me. Someone tried to break in perhaps? Or something got caught in it while it was being closed? Strange damage.
Great suggestions... and some tips. Thanks!
Actually I've downloaded Google Maps and like it. Just wasn't sure if there was something out there that's better and free. Still prefer the...
Anyone? Wrong forum?
Wondering if anyone has a favorite GPS app they use with their iPhone. Just got an iPhone and would like to have the option of using GPS on it....
Pretty much my sentiment on the the NAV system. It sure beats the old Tom Tom one I had.
I've always been curious about these updates. Are they really worth the money, and what are you actually getting from an update? I know I had a...
Here's one way you can get great gas mileage from a 'vette... ;) [IMG]
The Corvette, hands down has been a truly iconic American car. And it seems that over recent years Chevrolet has crossed over and is making a...
Fair enough, and I can see where the confusion lies. Appreciate the clarification. However, I still stand on the basic premise of my post which...
I guess I don't understand the confusion over the various models & configurations of the Prius. There are basically 4. The Prius Plug-In, and...
I would bet dollars to donuts that it's not by design. A measurement that small can be affected by so many diverse things. Are all four tires...
"This car is great on gas as long as you 1) keep it under 70 mpg unless going downhills" I think you've answered your own question with the above...
There are many reasons Apple will never partner with Android, but one of them is that Android has about a dozen different OSs in addition to the...
Is there any reason to be concerned about the quarter inch, or 1/16th of an inch, e.g. safety, fuel efficiency, value of vehicle,? We all have our...
Oil has been a volatile commodity for decades. Yeah, it's going down and we're all going reap some benefit from the extra bucks in our pocket....
Well stated, and I agree completely.