Separate names with a comma.
Yeah, have to admit I did this until I was consistently getting between 55 & 60 mpg. No big deal now. I know exactly what my car is going to...
All electrics are fine, but I won't even consider one until they get at least a 500 mile range on one charge. Right now I get, easily, 600 miles...
Here's what I don't understand. Do you have to plug in the PIP every day? Does it regenerate the battery like the hatchback? Can you drive it...
I've owned by 2014 Prius for a year now, but have slowly been intrigued by the PIP. I get such great mileage out of the hatchback (@60MPG) that...
This makes perfect sense to me. Easy to denigrate those who are not as sharp, smart, incisive, clever, aware, and intuitive as we are, and I'm...
Interface has been sold. Thanks.
Never having had the luxury of a garage to put my car in it never dawned on me that some might leave their car running in the garage. Just...
I've heard of people forgetting to turn off their cars, but would have never thought it could lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. A friend of mine...
One of the reasons Massachusetts is cracking down on "slower" drivers is for exactly this reason. The passing lane, in most states according to...
The unit allows you to monitor all of the car's mechanical performance on a series of digital readouts. You do need software to use it. I used...
This is the one everyone uses. Wi-Fi, supports all OBDII protocols. Used very little. Got sucked in by paying attention to all the numbers,...
I'd really like to see a defense of driving slowly in the left lane, on a highway. Seems like the only reason is that that person is passive...
I'm rarely if ever in the left lane because I rarely drive faster than 65. Funny, I seem to get where I'm going in plenty of time, and save wear...
Congrats on the new car. You will soon learn that driving a Prius is a new and different experience from driving a "car". It's not the same...
Oh, OK. I thought it was used when going down steep hills, etc. That's the only time I use it.
I truly admire your perspective, and I assume you also do all of your own plumbing, electrical and construction work on your home. And probably...
Hang in there... they're coming! Promise!
Probably the best choice in a Prius!!! Here's mine just before I drove it out of the lot one year ago next week [IMG] [IMG]
The best advice I've seen here is to go out and try several others. You may be enticed by the specific one you drove, it's price, color, etc.,...