Separate names with a comma.
This shows that your car *can* achieve 50+ mpg without special driving techniques. To improve on that, do as 2k1Toaster suggested, fill out the...
hmm... an inadvertent pun? To your "temperature, terrain, traffic" I would add "technique and tires." Mark, I do not mean to offend in any way,...
You may want to check out this thread.
Not enough info
A quick synopsis: The two main characters are Temperance Brennan and Seeley Booth. Booth is an FBI agent and Brennan is a forensic anthropologist....
Currently the fifth season. Bones is my favorite show... And Prius is my favorite car. :rockon:
This is not the first time the Prius has been showcased on Bones. Earlier this season Brennan demo'ed the Prius NAV system. It is, however, the...
Currently at 66.2mpg after 455 miles. Still too many cold days and too many miles on this tank to make much of an improvement.
I'll be watching for your results. Thanks!
It's not likely to be your battery after only one year, but the thread you want is below....
Cold weather is the major issue. Your other factors appear to be fine. You don't really say how low your temps are, but generally, cold weather...
Thanks for responding. And I appreciate your determination. A few questions. 1. I'm not familiar with a Graham scanner. I presume it has...
Wow! Was it something I said? It seems that the thread dies as soon as the subject turns to gathering actual data.
What data are you planning to gather?
I'm all for heating the battery by one means or another if the benefit is significant enough. But how will that benefit be measured?
Try the following link. PRIUS ENVY? Shirts & Gifts for Toyota PRIUS Owners
Exactly, David. Your definition is intuitively good. But we cannot claim that that is Toyota's definition. I am interested in your parenthetic...
I've seen the document you've referred to. Basically it says don't overfill without explaining how to recognize when overfilling occurs - unless...
I can't buy the "first click" answer. If I followed that as an official definition, every fill would leave me with only half a tank. I have to top...
There have been several references to "overfilling" and "topping off" the gas tank in this thread. Does anyone know Toyota's official definition...