Separate names with a comma.
Thank you for bringing up a very little discussed but very important subject concerning free fuel at work. I agrees 100% with you - where is the...
Climate length also must include iteractions with other completing ""climates" - political, economic, business. The climate length will always...
Remove the "freebie charging" at work and see if the owner would have 100k ev miles - Not! DBCassidy
Exactly - hyped up is the word! DBCassidy
Yeah right, Ethanol doesn't harm carbs or fuel systems. Thats' what keeping me busy - repair, rebuild, or replace damaged fuel systems, carbs from...
Sounds good DBCassidy
During the same above time above, what was GM doing? A side by side comparison of Toyota and GM would be a interesting study in corporate...
Unless your vehicle can use E15 - stay clear of this political, environmental disaster!. Not good for the engine seals, nor the environment. But...
Yes, a cute wind up toy. DBCassidy
Climate change will happen much faster than EV transport. In order for EV transport to be main stream - all sales of vehicles, starting tomorrow...
Don't hold your breath. You will not see the end of fossil fueled vehicles in your life time. Not even in your great grand childrens' life time....
Ditto for mine. DBCassidy
Always does! DBCassidy
I would opt for #1 - be done with it and drive and be happy! DBCassidy
The Prius is where it is - a market leader. The same can't be said of the puny bev market. DBCassidy
A Car Dealers Won’t Sell: It’s Electric Interesting read. DBCassidy
Salaries for the masses are not any where todays' worker can go out and buy a Tesla. DBCassidy
If you can't see at this stage of the game, you never will. Chances?. how many more chances does GM need? Gm has had more than enough chances to...
Sounds like a new type of salad dressing. LOL DBCassidy
Why should Government Motors be upset? They already stole 13 billion $$$ from the taxpayers (read the Treasury "forgave" Government Motors on the...