Separate names with a comma.
DO NOT change out your 12V battery for a Lithium-based battery!!!:eek: The 12V battery is a standard Lead-acid automotive type battery. The nice...
If you cannot overcome the noise, then get a different vehicle. End of story.
Just drop a small-block Chevy engine in there. OH, THAT WILL WORK!!!:rolleyes: dumb-be-dumb-dumb:pound:
AMEN to that! The manual is huge, but it is poorly written (as if by a teenager working for spare change). Back in the 1980's and 1990's, I...
My mail box is a half-mile uphill from my house. I use my Prius to pick up the mail. It ain't no big deal. It's a car - drive it as you need!
At 75 mph, a lot of the noise is caused by the low rolling resistance tires. If you get a set of tires designed for higher speed, the noise level...
The Prius is a Japanese car. It was designed for Typical oriental bodies. IMHO, it does not fit European bodies the way an American or German...
The Blizzaks have a good reputation. I got a deal on the Continental ExtremeWinterContact tires and have been very happy with their performance...
The issue is snow tires. I have a separate set of rims with Continental ExtremeWinterContact winter/snow tires that I use from late October into...
What part of "it's illegal" do you not understand. Sorry - no sympathy here.
That's the truth of the matter. Heat build up is the bugaboo for batteries. The software charge/discharge cycles is probably very robust. Ni-Mh...
I use Windex
I have received these kind of "need-your-used-car" notices from every dealer that I have had business with. Standard operating procedure. In the...
Jeez, Louise. How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
No Way! What have you been smoking? :der:
The neo-fascists who run GM are full of crap, and have been for decades.
If you please, I do not quite undd\erstand the concept of "rear fog lights." Do these come on together with the front fogs, or only when one goes...
:rockon: Me too! I felt that the wheel was too thin also and installed a wheel cover.
Good point!