Separate names with a comma.
There it is in a nutshell. Very few people want the cheapest car they could get. So true! New cars are never the most economical choice. By...
I just thought of a superpower I'd like even better than any of the ones I listed to begin this thread: I'd like to be impervious to extremes of...
No blood since early this morning! I'm hopeful that it stays this way. Thanks to everyone for your good wishes. I will definitely phone the clinic...
Thanks, Dave, but the doctor knew when he discharged me that it had gone from bloody to clear and back several times, and that my last urination...
I think I'm going to like it. Not as big an improvement over the Mini as I had expected, but definitely an improvement. More details on the...
Thanks, everyone. The pain was only while peeing, and only just before some big clots came out. And the bleeding began long before the first...
The other day I drove the Prius for the first time since Returning from Canada on September 1. I took my recycling to the recycling center, then...
You've been warned. Kind of disgusting. You can still close this and visit another thread. Last night I went to the bathroom and there was blood...
I've tried to find a traveling companion. I've had no success. I know a lot of people love wandering around new cities. I don't much care for...
I was surprised that the screen resolution does not seem all that much better than my Mini. The Mini has the same number of pixels as the iPad 2,...
This morning I was awake early (that often happens) so I did my exercising, showered, and waited until I figured rush hour would be over. I guess...
Totally agree about translations. I once recommended a translation to a book club I belonged to, based on having read the original Spanish. They...
I'd rather pay Tesla, use no gas at all, and buy my transportation energy from the Bonneville Dam. Meanwhile using half as much energy as the...
This is why we need dedicated bicycle routes completely isolated from motorized traffic.
^ We pay for minutes, regardless of whether we make the call or receive it. Same for texts: we pay to send or receive. Of course, this does not...
That's good to know. Confirms my feeling, though I have no experience with other tablets to compare with. And I can afford the price. Not if, as...
So tell me if I've got this right: If you buy the cellular version of the iPad, and connect it to T-Mobile, you get 200 MB of data per month free?...
Tomorrow's the day. The Apple store will be open two hours earlier than normal. At least, the Spokane store will be. I will not be arriving there...
If you are trying to save money NO CAR MAKES SENSE other than a recent model used econobox. No new car makes sense. No muscle car makes sense. No...
I would love to be fluent in all languages, but in my case, I'm less interested in travel than in being able to read the great literature of all...