Separate names with a comma.
If not, you should have documentation showing that the battery was dead and needed charging, when you bought it. Dealers either don’t know or...
You may want to start by reading all posts for your year and buy a multimeter. With the miles you have on the car, problems are coming. But many...
I agree lawns are a total waste, it seems to be an unsaid message, “I have arrived” Our horses and goats keep our grass pretty well trimmed. It is...
What I saw was very real, I reported it to a UFO watch organization and he said that others had reported seeing the same thing. Every morning I...
True, possibly the erase function.
Too costly and time consuming, no doubt we will do it anyway.
I had a fantastic siting back in 1978. About the length of a C5, cigar shaped, a iridescent beautiful chartreuse green. The whole ship was lit-up,...
Perhaps Trump should just openly declare his support of any type of dirty fossil fuel burning, or does he enjoy being a hypocrite. First disrupt...
One glitch and there goes 983,000,000 Tax $. It seems more sensible just to cozy up to our intergalactic space travelers. We have something they...
That’s pretty much proof of the pudding. Thanks for that post. Very true, but, I still would not buy a car there!
TY You already have.
On mine it’s very fast, it only took 18 months to do it.
Excellent write-up.
Sloppy methods, but, makes sense. Unfortunately there are consumers who know little about cars and nothing about electricity. Our schools are...
Hello Hastings, Myself, I would go Post # 9 and try to return the car to its original condition. Certainly the basic maint. applies here,...
Whether it’s called sabotage or incompetence doesn’t matter, what he needs is redress, where can he go, who can he call? He is seeking our help....
The scenario that really disturbs me Worldwide is George Orwell’s 1984, caused by overpopulation and a necessity to control mankind in all...
You may actually find some play in the linkage. Fortunately I have bad hearing, so everything works perfect, I don’t even have to turn my radio...