Separate names with a comma.
Thanks Montgomery and ASRDogman. I hope that Eugene takes the time to find a reputable shop that can help him, or maybe even another Prius member...
mistermojorizin, thanks for the info. Yep got the SSH done, now got to learn how to "Tweak". Still waiting for ZSS. Glad to hear 7.7 is working...
Eugene Park, sorry to hear about your experience. I will say I was a dealership mechanic for 16 years, and I tried to do the right thing for each...
Thanks a_scalzi, I have and will continue to search discord before I ask questions. I purchased a spare DSU on Ebay and put it in while I am...
I was able to get 192K out of my first set of plugs on my 2010 before I started getting a misfire under load. I purchased a new set of the Denso...
Neal, this is just my opinion based on being a mechanic for 16 years and the pictures you provided. The body work does appear to be of low...
Robertjackson17, Thank you for the information. Your statements and those from Mistermojorizin are helpful for understanding the different basic...
Mistermojorizin, I am still on 7.6.1. My unit was one of the ones that shipped out with incorrect firmware and was not running the fan:( and...
mistermojorizin, Thank you again for taking the time to reply, I wish I could have this kind of discussion with Erich. He is an extremely bright...
a_scalzi, Yea so not having the SDU yesterday and driving home from work with all the July 4 people heading home was a poor choice on my part:(...
Robertjackson17 and Joel Natividad, Cirruspete and myself have a couple of questions for you. We both pulled our DSU's last night and they are on...
Thank you mistermojorizin and a_scalzi for this great information. Myself and Cirruspete both have a ZSS and SDSU in progress with Erich. I will...
mistermojorizin, thank you for taking the time to provide these links. I did install Workbench on my laptop but it was not able to "Find" the...
Hi a_scalzi, I am not technically competent in that area yet. I am trying to read and educate myself. I once considered myself fairly technical,...
Joel Natividad, thank you Joel for taking the time to reply. I have a couple of long drives lined up in the next few days to see how OP does on...
Robertjackson17, would it be possible to know what the pair cost? I see the ZSS listed as $200 but have not seen price for the SDSU. What does...
Mistermojorizin, thank you for the reply. I checked mine and it shows 2.3 up and 2.0 right. I thought I did a pretty decent job following the...
Cirruspete, I am going to try and reset the initial drive learn and see if that helps. I sound like a whiner but I can't deal with the way it...
Oscar, as Salamander_King says you will find both sides of the opinion here. I looked and debated for quite a while before I decided I would...
Cirruspete, I can confirm that mine also seems to exhibit the same left hug that yours does. Several times it has crossed into the double yellow...