Separate names with a comma.
I have 1:0 against Cat cutters!!!! It worked tonight as designed, triggered alarm at 4am and security called me. Couple of my friends also...
Here is $5 solution to plug any Tilt sensor to factory Signal line, so you don't need to worry about delay, computer brains, etc. You can choose...
you can put you sensor in any location you want , doesn't matter. Mine are in the trunk from both sides on floor level.
Today I hacked into neighbor's Gen 3, did same thing, easy too. Picture I posted on prev post should explain how it works very clear.
[ATTACH] Hi guys, the ONLY installation is needed is to connect extra wire to door plunger. This is your extra signal line. This is 6$ project...
I did install DYI tilt sensor while waiting factory ones from Japan (kidding from CH)). Signal line is inserted into the plunger door sensor...
Thanks all, I started my project on Gen2 to see what will happened, Door switch is single wire device so it should work with Ground (-). In closed...
@chapman did you mean metal rod welded = Conduit ? @richard thanks for manual. Anybody knows where in Prius G2 all alarm brains located ? And in...
factory Alarm doesn't have tilt/shock sensor, Will wait till somebody will do it DYI and share. it works basically adding another loop switch to...
Tx much Albert ! I just tried friends BAFX and it's wonderful, I actually bought it from him. It's #1 in one of your list too. Best V
Tx, I need one that works with Torque Pro, half of those I asked on ebay say no, or the don't know what they are selling.
Thanks Eric, it's really Pro grade and looks like a king but I don't think it works with Torque Pro, it has its own soft.. I think should be some...
Attached my screenshot Really appreciate if anybody can point to recent purchase /seller of quality OBD(( unit. Trying to learn what protocols I...
Hi Eric, I did setup PID from Prisu2 library to show Block1.. Voltage, but it reads 0, because my ODBII is not working with this protocol. I...
[IMG] I'm trying to import layouts into my Torque Pro, I downloaded couple from www as Layout_1.Dash file. I learned that they should...
I saved layout .dash file in my Samsung, but where is that .torque/dashboards/ Folder where I need to copy it, I don't see it under any...
Thanks Alberto I will try to get it, is there list of all good devices somewhere here ? as of now Mar 2020 I see those on ebay but I afraid go by...
Torque Pro has all PIDs, just need to load them.
Learned that this one is good: Bafx Products - Wireless Bluetooth Obd2 / Obdii Diagnostic Car Scanner Reader. I also learned that it's safe to...
Tx again George, I just got Torque Pro, but can't get V reading, need probably another odb2 reader for it. Can anybody recommend reliable ODB2...