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Reading threads across the board and the very pertinent posts generated by the participants, I am wondering about the sudden rash of 12V battery...
I totally agree and my Prius Prime purchase was based on the same reason as yours . But in my province choosing a Prime versus the hybrid version...
Here , 4 winter tires are mandatory , does not care if its AWD,FWD or propulsion. Major EV range hit is more important with outside temperature...
OK thanks , now I can take a beer and fire up the BBQ;)
I'm more confused , but i think I fallow you......a question: was the Prime name introduced by Toyota marketing team after the gen 4 hybrid:barefoot:
Interresting remarks , i am lost as to Prius prime ...what is a gen 3 Prius prime :(
Yes indeed ! .... how about Beyond Zero badge;)
Finally saw one at a supermarket, in person in my region ! on sept 23 ......for my taste , I found the car dull car , black hubcaps,17...
Indeed , in an other matter ,they redesigned the hatch using carbon fiber and the looks front an back to mark a difference between the hybrid model.
Hey ,,,you are at the right place on this board . Being a new member with your first PHEV i understand that learning curve looks like a daunting...
Yep ,some old habits have to be abandonned using the accessory mode....or worse trying to boost a dead battery on an ICE car from a...
Ah ah !,your 2 previous VW and probably your 4Runner had a starter motor , hense a big 12V battery to crank the ICE motor , in the Prius there is...
Thanks for your clarification , I edited my post #26 after reading yours , READY is the only safe choice and noting that Tooly has a prime, the...
Sitting in the car with the ignition to accessory even for a few minutes is a receipe for disaster, It has been often documented on PC chat. You...
looks like a Pip:cautious:....the first generation of a PriusPHEV from toyota
I did not see any Pprime 2023 in my region , Congrats for your new car .. Enjoy
Bummer.....this attitude denotes a certain arrogance of this industry in regards to the client .....buying a new vehicule is a big financial...
I see you live in Montréal, Québec , gas price are very high , so I suggest you start on EV mode and switch to HV at 50% SOC .Then you will have...
Thanks , good to know .....but I wonder why(n)
Using the MID is the only way for a successful charge , here in Canada the phone app does not provide any charging at all for my Gen 4 Prime