Separate names with a comma.
I tried all of this already.
Would be great if I could find out but I tried calling and can’t get through without knowing extension numbers. They obviously don’t want...
I just found out my Prius build was completed 11/8 and arrived at the Newark NJ port on 12/18 which is inline with the original estimated delivery...
Back in 2023 there were several PPF packages available. Maybe they still are available. I know because I had the PPF accessories removed back in...
I haven’t seen it offered through Toyota but that doesn’t mean they aren’t coating the wheels with some sort of protection.
The PPF on door handles and bumpers etc. are add on accessories. They don’t come with every Prius unless you or the dealership have added them. I...
You just spelled out my worst fear. I was notified the day this car was allocated to this dealership because I knew their allocation dates....
That is a long lead time. Similar to back in 2023 I was given the VIN number at the time of allocation when it was supposedly in the build...
Oh well…my biggest concern is the seat material and the paint. Two things that are supposedly not covered under the warranty.
:p …and the detached fabric on the back of the seats and the 5 inch grooved scratch above the gas tank door. I’ll be throwing a blanket over that...
Crazy that the person who already rejected a car due to QC issues has her next one being pulled off the line for a QC check. Initially I was...
Yes I have the VIN number. They know I’m watching carefully. It’s a small dealership. My biggest concern is why was it pulled for a quality...
I remember back in 2023 someone else on PC had their allocated car stalled due to a quality control check. I don’t remember if they ended up with...
Do any of the experts know what this truly means? Apparently my allocated Prius that was estimated to arrive 12/17-1/20 has been “randomly”...
Thanks. That’s what I plan on doing. I just needed assurance that Toyota hadn’t suddenly changed something. I appreciate the feedback.
Great news! Wonder if Toyota has actually resolved the issue. I guess we will find out eventually.
I’ve seen what’s on the wheels at delivery. The entire alloy wheel area is covered in a clear plastic but it’s not attached to the metal like PPF....
I never buy extended warranties. I’m now on a fixed income and there are so many unknowns about this new generation. Hopefully the cracking of the...
It’s worth a try. I have a quote of $1230 for Toyota Platinum $0 deductible 10/100k or $1615 for 10/125k.
I don’t have access to MicroCat or the ability to look over the parts department staff’s shoulder to be sure he’s reading the catalog properly....