Separate names with a comma.
Can't answer but a note to Optima may help. I replaced my OEM with an Optima after 3 years and 56,000 miles just because I'm OCD about such...
EPA on current Impreza is 36mpg hiway. Refinements like regen braking, weight savings, lrr tires and tweaking aerodynamics might make the numbers...
Optima will send paper directions that are OK for average guy or gal to replace the battery.
What Steve said ! :eek:
:welcome: :cheer2: Congratulations on purchasing a great car. Read up on the DIY stuff here on Chat and enjoy !
Please let us know the outcome of your service visit.:confused:
Replaced 12v battery and stop light switch..
Welcome. I promise you'll learn a lot of valuable info here.
Congratulations ! I really admire a person brave enough to start such a task and skilled enough to finish it successfully.
:welcome: See following link : Toyota Prius Battery Warranty | ABC Article Directory A review of the Toyota site reveals that the standard...
Use a container of Baking Soda with holes punched in the up side to help with absorbing the smell...old refrigeratror practice that works wonders...
Over tightening wheel installations has been known to cause problems with rotors. Since you see rust it suggests there has not been a lot of...
Let's all hope : "THE END" :D
It'll stop real safely on $500+ worth of new unneeded brakes.:o Congratulations on the baby. There are several good sources for baby carriers. I...
Most batteries are solid performers for 3-4 years.:rolleyes: You're on borrowed time.:o Why wait till you have to replace it and pay just as much...
Perhaps someone "in the know" could explain the reasons for such a disparity in our prices.
I. Guess we'll need a "slow boat' from the UK for competition ;-)
Where are they manufactured ? Doesn't make much sense!
:rockon: I'm Yellow Top installed. Ordered Monday PM, shipped Tuesday PM, arrived Friday PM and installed Friday late PM. :D Took me 1.5 hrs...I...
I just placed an order with eLearnaid for a direct replacement 04+ Prius at $180.00. I'll post when it has travelled across country from Cal to NC !