Separate names with a comma.
Please give us a cite that shows Prius using an encoder instead of a simple pulse counter. An encoder would be overkill for no good reason.
Speed and distance aren't determined by sensor voltage output. The sensor put out a certain number of pulses per revolution, the computer counts...
If I remember which trip was which, I first saw Smarts on the street in France in 2002. Lots of cars exist outside the US for along time before...
Multiple brand names from one manufacturer is more of a North American thing than a European thing. I think Europeans don't need different brands...
Have you found the vampire that is sucking the electricity out of your kitchen yet?
An example of the hack is here AutoSpeed - Modifying Electric Power Steering Even though the article is a little old, the schematic for my Gen...
I'm beginning to understand why you think Prius handling is good.:D
Gasoline is more expensive in Hawaii than the 48 states ($4.20-$4.70/gallon for regular yesterday) which strengthens your argument.
Anything but chasing a ball around with a stick
The dealer I go to, Magnusun in Auburn California, has so far been completely honest with me and not tried any phony upsells. I realize that...
I read that as Scott Adams and was expecting something important, or at least entertaining.:D
The Alpha-Centarian storm troopers work for the Illuminati security subsidiary.
You had a gas gauge? Modern conveniences, bah! For a Model-T you either made your own dip stick or bought an aftermarket one. [IMG]
As in real estate, the important thing is location, location, location. Until you know the location and have wind data, all the other kW/acre data...
The Prius fuel pump sucks through the filter so the fuel is filtered before it gets to the pump. BTW, The filter is only available as part of an...
Huy, Are you sure they didn't measure the tread depth in 32nds of an inch? That's pretty standard in the US. It's common practice for dealer...
It's unfortunate that fuel filters aren't intended to be replaced on many cars.
Thank you for posting that, most people aren't aware that in tank fuel pumps are cooled by the fuel flowing through the pump, including the motor.
It has nothing to do with rotational speed of the engine. If you don't believe that put you car in neutral at highway speed and let the engine...
If you starting your car in sub 0F weather, then 0W starts to have real advantage over 5W. In more reasonable temperatures, you might be able to...