Separate names with a comma.
Care to share the statistical analysis that leads you to this conclusion? What is the MTBF for a single sensor? I'd have thought it to be a lot...
There are no wheel covers in your pic. Sorry I didn't read your text. Sell the plastic on eBay... it's hideous!
See you at Sears Pointless! How many laps you planning on turning this time? ;)
Better post a warning on the back of your car: "parts may fall out at any time" Paint? Powdercoating's the way to go for wheels. Much more durable.
In general, be careful about total unsprung weight. Your car's suspension is optimized for a particular weight (tire + wheel + brake components +...
Split loom tubing is available at most hardware stores (such as OSH / Home Depot) and auto parts stores (O'Reilly / Pep Boys). If you're looking...
I put Firestone Precision Sport tires on my car as my top concerns were wet and dry traction. I picked the Precision Sport over the Precision...
The tire guy isn't telling the whole story. Wider tires on a poorly tuned suspension will not do much to help cornering. If the tire isn't...
One can't see the imperfections in the washer after it has been compressed. The washer is designed to mold to the imperfections in the bolt and...
Keep in mind the rear tires are what keep the car from swapping ends in a turn. Hit a bump while turning at high speed... car, meet guardrail....
Wut u mean adjust? It's SIIIIICK, YO! [IMG]
I have a 9V battery sitting in the glove compartment. It isn't hooked up to anything... but I bet your attached 8 Ah battery will have the same...
Sounds like your head is full of bad information. Why are you worrying about a fan? Relax. Make yourself comfortable. Enjoy your driving...
I've used this brand on my other cars... they're quality struts and the price is great. Can't really be beat!
This should be repeated. I saw the effect myself: I put some non LRR tires on my Prius (wanted more traction than LRRs had to offer) and saw my...
You're about to, huh? Something tells me it's gonna be a while before you're about to... ;) It doesn't really seem like you've done your...
Does this include the 15 minute wait after disconnecting the battery to ensure the airbag does not accidentally deploy? ;) What about the use...
This, good sir, is something you shouldn't mention in polite company. People won't look at you the same way once they hear this nugget...
Now that I think of it you're better off wrapping / coating the header itself, keeping the engine bay cooler. After that, I think your best bet...
Have you tried wrapping that whole shebang against heat? Notice how it's sitting right next to the header? You might see what a little more...