Separate names with a comma.
It's a mistake to think that further gains can come from running the engine less. That would be true, only if the the operating temperature could...
They won't work in Canada. The "fuel" freezes solid.
It's a hybrid car, not an electric car after all, and that means it's designed to burn gasoline as efficiently as possible. To do this, the...
Given the fact that the Prius engine must run at operating temp to function, and the fact that IC engines produce a lot of waste heat... Why the...
I can't see Elon Musk riding it downhill for long. If he sells out his interests, it's a sign that someone else has taken the lead in the...
The thing to remember, despite the persistent and ubiquitous rumors, is that they are all still just that; rumors. Five Ways That Apple Is...
This won't be much help, but I've noticed the same thing with several vehicles over the years. It always seems to go away by itself.
Variable-pitch propellers have been around since the 1930s or before. It may not be outside the realm of possibility for variable-geometry...
Steve Jobs didn't.
If you watch Shark Tank, or even if you don't, the pattern has always been for the pioneer to break ground with a new product, and then for others...
One thing to try: Go to the top of a slope and let it coast with both tires. Whichever goes the farthest has the least rolling-resistance.
Nowadays, there's really no excuse for any engine oil to provide poor lubrication. Enough is known about the chemistry of lubricants that...
The sad thing is that it seems to fall to the government to prove that this junk doesn't work. It's disappointing to say the least, to see rave...
It fails to do that, except in very cold weather.
Very little MPG is lost through the grill, except in very cold conditions. You are losing it mainly through the increased viscosity of the...
D'oh! How could we not have thought of something so simple?
Back on the farm, we had an issue where the local machinery dealer had their serviceman came out and installed covers over all the exposed...
Most warranty issues are based on reasonable expectation, framed within the expressed warranty. Both come into play, and the manufacturer should...
Which was the nutcase? The bomb or the inventor?