Separate names with a comma.
I think you are overcomplicating things. Every direct sale Tesla makes is a lost sale for the local dealer & he doesn't like losing sales. So he...
I drove through all 50 states, and lived longterm in 8 of them, but none stopped me for "going too slow". Then I come to California and it...
I've seen police pull-over several people "riding" in the left lane without passing. So I would say if the police are flashing their lights at...
That was by driving my usual 45 miles/hour plus a side road to my workplace. Unfortunately even at slow speeds, SUVs are not aerodynamic and the...
Okay Doubting Thomas. ;) :) :D MPGe is about 60 when doing 70 miles/hour. I have had it as high as 80 MPGe if I drive the minimum allowed...
I had a mini-debate with a professor at Univ. of California Irvine. She is extremely pro-hydrogen and when I said H2 cars are really just...
So much hatred against one person (me)..... that cannot be good for your blood pressure. ;) And what I actually said was: "Hybrids like the...
The other station 5 miles away is "down" and has been down for two weeks. Otherwise I would try it instead of the overheating station. My...
One week of owning a hydrogen-electric fuel cell vehicle, and I am already annoyed. ;) It isn't the car's fault but the supplier of the H2. (So...
Where's the phone for people who prefer a Smaller screen? I like that my iPhone 4s fits in my shirt pocket. The later generations don't. (Hint...
In California the far right lane (out of 5 total) is designated 55 mph for freight trucks & cars towing trailers. It is the slow lane. Of...
Yes home fueling is "legal" but that doesn't stop Honda from voiding your engine warranty if you use it. (They will claim the engine was damaged...
(1) Thanks for insulting me in your last post. You revealed yourself to be a bully (like mike) who derives pleasure from being mean to other...
"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." Abraham Lincoln This response confirms to me that you...
It's called "lying with statistics". California has a clean at-home mix, but the bureaucrats conveniently do Not include the coal-generated...
(1) I didn't create the article titles I posted. Ask the British reporters why they chose those headlines. The important point is this: The NHS...
"Keep sales tax"? Why? Tesla is pretty smart putting their cars in malls. As people shop around, they see the car on display & learn about it....
Autoline Daily reports: "Total hybrid sales are down nearly 30,000 vehicles so far this year. They’re down 8% while the overall market is up...
Mustang ranch is a prostitution business. I think it's owned by the same guy who runs the Bunny Ranch..... now was that really so difficult to...
I don't understand all the hate directed to poster # 1.