Separate names with a comma.
My first post on here in a looooong while - like a couple of years. Anyways... Just traded in my 2006 Prius for a new 2016 Prius v, and I'm...
the Prius really does fine in snow... so long as there isn't a lot of it :p I've only gotten stuck once, bottoming out in a turn lane (would you...
When you start using it, the "Cloud" offerings do make a little sense. I've only used Apple's extensively, and it's been nothing but benefits....
When you say high gauge, I assume you're talking about a wire with a very small diameter? (20 gauge wire is much smaller than 10 gauge wire!)....
Apple 30-pin to VGA Adapter - Apple Store (U.S.) There you go... 30-pin to VGA.
It's not a question of "it doesn't function like this other device, so it sucks". It's a question of "do we like how it functions?" Sure,...
That depends on a whole host of considerations. Your best bet is to figure out what software package is being used on the other end, then find...
90% of that commercial shows people using the Surface with their keyboard cover thing. 5% shows them hooking it up to their keyboard in various...
I guess us liberal Minnesotan's will fit right in then!
That's not necessarily as obvious as you would expect... When I first got the car, I went in and added a little button to my dash. When I push...
The admin, Danny, doesn't personally select the ads that run on the sight. He signed up for an Ad service, which several companies do. With such...
From what I've read, this is mostly a threat to China's immediate neighbors. While not immediate (since there aren't any planes that can land on...
More bad press for Samsung... Federal judge hands Samsung setback against Apple - Businessweek A judge denied the requested ban on the iPhone 5,...
I read an article a day or two ago about (I think) the new Kindle Fire and its 4G connectivity. Even if it was for something else, the gist was...
Besides, in order for a ban on import to affect sales, it has to happen before the items are imported into the US. Who here thinks Apple doesn't...
You sound so hopeful, Ammo... but as said in the mouseover text for this comic: [IMG]
Also as the doctor would say, his secret weapon isn't Apollo 11, it's Neil Armstrong's foot.
Of course cproaudio, it had nothing to do with the fact that Samsung was actually infringing on Apple's patents...
Why do you have to get rid of the money? Hire a money guy to manage it for you, retire, and live within your new means! In other words, never...
Honestly, this isn't an issue with Apple specifically... as he states, " The disconnect exposes flaws in data management policies endemic to the...