Separate names with a comma.
eLearn , the folks that sell the Optima batteries, are offering replacement fuel injectors, claiming an MPG improvement. Four Fuel Injectors for...
The seat covers were done by Wet Okole. They may still have the graphics that I sent them.
That did it. Thanks.
Want. Would definitely go with my graphics.
I believe you are right. The unlock button does not pop back up. Can it be fixed?
I guess I never saw this thread before, somehow. [IMG]
I felt the same, and did something about it. [IMG] More at Mission Statement
I can get into and start the Prius without pushing any buttons on the SmartKey fob. However pushing the fob buttons will not open or close the...
I've been away too long. I just saw that TGB4 is in Boston. But no totals here or on the link to the TGB4 website. Anybody know any details, esp....
Now I need to do the un-install. My heater is not functioning, and the circuit is open. I suspect it is where the wires turn the corner to go into...
Been away too long. Missed this thread entirely. [IMG]
I had one. Used it for several years. Lost it. Bought another. 'Nuf said.
Not so. Properly made seat covers, such as those from Wet Okole make provisions for airbags.
50, count 'em, 50 trophies. [IMG]
Nope. Upstate NY.
I said earlier that the trophy wall was full. Well that was just from end to end. I have since put in a second row. NOW it is full. [ATTACH]
We resurrect this thread to bring you the following bulletin: 3rd car show of the year. Won the BIGGEST trophy ever - a 3 column 33" tall one....
A VERY belated reply: I had one for over 6 years. I lost it a few weeks ago. I was a little beat up, the foamcore folded in a couple spots, but...
Shucks. Too far. Even at warp speed.
Dirty rotors are the first suspect. Next time out, as you are descending a hill, put the car in Neutral and use your brakes to slow or stop. That...