Separate names with a comma.
At the website: Basic Car Audio Electronics there is a section on speakers that goes into detail on speaker efficiency calculations among many...
In my case, it was at the
You'll need something that can take in high-level inputs (like 40 watts RMS) because you'll need to use the outputs from the JBL amp. There are no...
Ours is a 2010 Package IV with the solar roof, with JBL and Nav.
Aren't you worried about the equalization applied by the JBL system? Apparently it's custom tailored to the factory speakers and the car's...
Don't leave us hangin'! What are the other components of the system? I've been sitting on a custom sub enclosure for my Prius waiting to figure...
It's pretty common to set the crossover points around 80Hz for your front stage, especially when you have the sub picking up everything from there...
The satellite antenna lead is a little gray square plastic plug with just one gray insulated wire coming into it. See the attached picture....
Those adapters (SFA12M or SFA12F) may possibly work, I'm just cheap and wanted to try splicing before I spent another $60...and it worked. SFA...
Consider simply replacing the satellite antenna. That's what I did as a cheap ($20) "try-n-see" fix....and it worked! See the following thread:...
After a week+ since the antenna modification, I can report the drop-outs that used to be frequent are completely gone. I placed the Terk XMicro2...
Got antsy and decided to just cut off the factory antenna lead (near the factory sat tuner under the driver's seat) and splice it to my Terk...
Okay, so the FAKRA type connector is not a simple plug-n-play for the OEM XM satellite tuner. Apparently there is a proprietary antenna connector...
I 've read several threads complaining about the satellite radio reception of the factory XM radio, so it seems like a common problem, but I...
On our 2010, the Sat Tuner is located under the Driver's seat. There are two small metal boxes under there with wiring harnesses going into both....
Just renewed for six months for $25 (XM Select).
If you want to keep the factory head unit you will need to use a device like the JBL MS-8 to undo all of electronic crossing-over and equalizing...
I think it's about 8.5cm...I've got pictures but cannot seem to attach them to this post.
I'd guess somewhere between $50 and $100. It should take no more than two hours of shop time. Although they won't want to warranty your equipment...
I seem to remember someone commenting (in a past thread) that it was possible to find the wires you're looking for in the pillar that runs...