Separate names with a comma.
You can download manuals from the Toyota Owners Website by registering with your VIN. You might even see some previous maintenance records as long...
I had wondered the same thing. 6,000 miles on a 2017 doesn’t seem right
separate system.
I would not worry about the drive battery or electronics at all. I mean, I would make sure it will take a charge and run in EV at least 20+ miles....
Health of the 12V battery? Scan for codes? Do Primes get over-the-air updates? Obvious software glitch.
Reject their “offers”. You don’t need to do these.
Yes, I know but didn't want to over-complicate the answer to the OPs question. And I covered my a$$ by saying "it's up to you to know when to...
Not necessarily. Oil change interval is 10K miles, but Toyota recommends tire rotation and other checks every 5K miles. Hence, the 5K maintenance...
I've never had to deal with a "total loss" claim from my auto insurance, but it seems to me you would want to check out the consumer protection...
Yes, it a standard, wet cell lead-acid battery. Not AGM. I don't believe there's any difference in lifespan. I'm still using the original battery...
Note Step 4 in the procedure for my 2016 Hybrid. Perhaps the 2017 Prime operates differently. [ATTACH]
Actually still you have to push the Start button after placing the fob over the button
The TPMS light should be OUT after briefly coming ON with the rest of the Warning Lights during the Power On sequence. So if it is ON, it is...
I didn't mean to suggest you could get a warranty replacement. Maybe my phrase "approaching end-of-life" was misleading. It hasn't failed. It's...
Short answer is yes, the 2023 (and even the Gen 4 2017+) Prime has much improved EV range over the original Plug-In. I think the Gen 4's give...
I'm guessing your Gen 4 has the NiMH traction battery, and it is simply approaching end-of-life at 7 years and 147K miles. Nothing unusual for...
With our first Prius, at one point I elected to cheap out on tires and mileage went down noticeably. Over the life of the tires, I calculated that...
It's actually not a transmission in the normal sense, there are no gears or any shifting. You can think of it as an eCVT (electronic CVT) but it's...
How about leaving car in Park, powered on (READY) with HVAC on and lock it with the mechanical key stored in the fob?
Yes, the wheel size doesn't really matter as long as the overall diameter/circumference is the same, which it is. Thus the Toyota Prius temporary...