Separate names with a comma.
Just past six months of ownership of my 2020 Prime limited. Exactly 3000 miles no gas purchased yet. Average MPG is 457.3.
The 12 battery is under the hood of my 2020. did earlier models have it in the trunk?
My Rob43 adapter works fine with the my Toyota EVSE but I have not yet tried it with my Nissan Leaf EVSE, any reason it would not work also?
While backing out of a driveway a stone hooked and ripped the under car “blanket” in front of the right front wheel. It doesn’t seem to affect...
I always get 22 to 24 (indicated) miles on a charge, either level 1 at home (23 to 24) or level 2 at a Charge Point me 22 to 23....
Yes, we are all set up and will charge tonight
The adapter I won in Rob43's Holiday contest arrived in the mail today, it looks beautiful. i have a little housekeeping to do in the garage yet...
I wish I knew where I found them too. I cannot find them again. You are right, everything I see now is 24 or 25 cents at the lowest.
[IMG] Sorry it doesn't look like it posted right. try this: [IMG]
Time of Use, TOU, Pricing Plans, TOU Pricing Plans | San Diego Gas & Electric I don’t see a 16 cent tier. [IMG]
With a Time of use Plan SDGE charges Actually the super off peak rate on the Tome of Use Plan is 16 cents per Kwh. (that is midnight to 6 AM)...
In EV mode at least, B mode does not spin the ICE under normal conditions. I go down a mountain at least once a week. The enginge does not turn over.
On the Prime (different from the Gen3) B mode does not spin the ICE
Mine has rebooted once in 4 months. No apparent reason
Is the car locked???
It is not on the XLE, only the "Limited"
Not on my 2004 either, maybe somebody put some kind of coating on it, (Rain-X?)
I would have to live to 164 to have any chance at reaching that number
page 118 of the Owners manual says that if the Charging cable lifespan notice is flashing "...The number of charges using the charging cable is...