Separate names with a comma.
I have read some about scanners and what I think I know is: 1. There are plenty of cheap (under $ 100) but pretty good machines available but: 2....
Some people say this is due to conflicts with iPhones. Do you have an iPhone paired with the car? Thanks
Charging up today next to a Karma Revero. I had never seen one before. On the other side a Plug-in Prius.[ATTACH]
Sorry, I was thinking the indicated EV range was a simple measure of how much charge had been put into the battery, not a sophisticated...
Still trying to get some to get an idea of the range SHOWN after charging, NOT how far you can drive on a charge. after alevel 1 overnight charge...
I am trying to get a clear answer as to what the INDICATED EV miles are available after a full charge, NOT how far people actually drive on a full...
Try E-bay, any make will do, it does not need to be Toyota. Enter EVSE Charger. I see several (Ford, Fiat, Chevrolet bolt etc). for less than...
Just what I think. 1. Do you HAVE to have it charged faster than the stock charger will do. For many of us, overnight charging on 110 is simple...
4375 miles, 488.4 miles per gallon. I bought gas once.
You lose the capability to charge from a 110 volt outlet.
The red triangle is on the dash, right. NOT on the EVSE. If so there is reason to believe it is the charger, It could be many thing. Check the...
After 10 and a half months since new my 2020 PP Limited has 3744 miles and 489.6 mpg lifetime showing? Has anyone done better?
How much work to install?
Even if you could, the car would not charge any faster. You can get an adapter ($350) to hook up to a Level 2 Tesla charger but it still won't...
Someone should have warned me. That gasoline stabilizer stuff smells worse than anything and seems to get on you hands and everything else. But I...
Dealer installed theft alarm. Not necessary, not worth the money.
With gas prices down I bought gas today for the first time since I bought the car on August 6, 2019, current mileage is 3225 and miles per gallon...
Dealer service departments are open in San Diego
I am retired and almost never drive more than 20 miles in a day. My twice weekly trip to the Indian casino is 20.5 miles each way and they...