Separate names with a comma.
James Cook if you want to chat offline PM me. If I can help answer any questions or offer any advice please don't hesitate to ask. Posted from...
Roc when we're you there? Locals are hostile at stupid military who go out and get drunk and act like asses. There are always bad apples but most...
I wish I could multi-quote with Tapatalk. James Cook is that your real name? Things did not work out for the last James Cook to visit the...
What car theft problems? Who steals Priuses? There are quite a few of us members here from Hawaii. I might be concerned if you had a late model...
It is for the optional ejection seat.... Just kidding it could be for anything though. Most likely it is for the fasten your seat belt...
Jr. you lost me^? I was just saying that the thanks got switched to likes now. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
I am not that old and I don't "like" or understand the context. How old a gent are you bisco? Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
I perfer to have Friends and be Friended that to be Followed or have Followers.
We can remember the Thanks here The amm0bob Thanks Bazaar | PriusChat
I did a search of the part number and came back with these. Toyota POCKET, CONSOLE BOX Part Number 58825-47020 58825-47020 - OEM Toyota POCKET,...
We might have to change this one to The amm0bob Likes Bazaar?
Welcome Veloist you are number 171.
I don't like the likes either, nor could I help myself from jumping on bisco's bandwagon...
Try the parts counter at your dealership? Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
The metal key sould not rust most are brass under the silver finish. To remove the fob battery take out the metal key and look along the seam of...
Hong Kong company completes purchase of Saab - Yahoo! News STOCKHOLM (AP) — A Hong Kong-owned company says it has completed the acquisition of...
Just to follow up on my post linked above on my two complementary Toyota Hawaii Care oil changes I declined the Krex. Posted from my iPhone via...
Glad you are okay Jimbo, I know you loved your old car, enjoy the new one. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
Oh I am not here for pleasure, I have one hell of a travel agent, it is Uncle Sam. I am stationed here in Kosovo as a member of KFOR, NATO's...
It is the capital of the Republic of Kosovo. I thought maybee you were from Kosovo/Pristina? Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.