Separate names with a comma.
Never trusted JD Powers surveys. Rather trust Consumer Reports. That being said, interesting how things are shaking out.
Agree that Toyota got things right overall. Would have liked 45mph in more of EV mode that the 35mph I get....
Little underwhelmed by the 2014 Corolla compared to the competitors out there. Still bland compared to the others. I personally seen Corolla type...
The Prius C is attractive, but the Prius is a more comfortable ride IMO. Greater space for when you are not doing the solo thing
Joining Fuelly to track mpg's will give you better guidance based on your driving. This past winter I was lucky to get 400 miles on a single pip...
I generally wait till one pip, or just when it starts flashing. This when I know where the gas stations are - unless I know I am heading to Costco...
Had no problems after a 12 day trip last year. I just made sure I had full bars before parking to be on the safe side.
Good to hear you are ecstatic over your trip mpg! Just imagine how happy you will be in maxing out the capabilities of the Prius. Not sure of your...
There were many reasons I bought my 2012 Prius, the floating bridge was just one of them... Wasn't sure how I would feel about the location of...
Congrats on the new ride (sad in this day and age we are forgetting about being happy for someone's car purchase) I too have never been a big fan...
Sort of how states look on purchases done out of state. If there is a sales tax paid, then no use tax is owed in your home state. This differs...
Here in Virginia they missed the boat on that. We have annual safety inspections and bi-annual emission inspections. But no, as of July I am...
Can't answer your direct questions. But will say that your insurance may cover the replacement at little or no cost - just like windshields.
DWR (driving while rich)? Sort of a take on Fried Green Tomato's... In the end BOTH insurance companies should have had claim filed. Protects...
No, you have thoughts as to what sells you on the center console. For me, I like the GenIII flying bridge. Love the looks, and it works for my...
Understand that, but DRL's are not seen as well as headlights. And replacement costs are not that high IIRC....
Here in the DC area we are folks that seem privileged over others. :( As long as their ride is OK, then they don't care.... Big SUV's parking in...
I have a 2012 Prius, and I leave my headlights on by default. Letting them turn off automatically. Same way with my Baja. Don't understand why...
I gave up years ago wanting a "fun" car in handling. Had a '99 Bug that was a blast on back roads and such. Rather have great mpg's, cargo and...
Another way to look at it is by percentages: 50 vs 60 - 16% improvement 40 vs 50 - 20% improvement 30 vs 40 - 25% improvement 20 vs 30 - 33%...