Separate names with a comma.
I have only changed 12v aux
Any suggestions?
Gotcha lol. So, I will be hooking up new battery and I guess attempting to test everything These are the freeze frames I gained access...
The readings I got with techstream at a complete stop with a burned out aux battery. When I did the readings I got sub codes too which were:...
I’ll tackle the accumulator starting tonight. Should be pretty similar to changing a brake booster after removing the power invterter which wasn’t...
Where did you find the ignition wire to be? I’m having trouble locating it to install a gps starter disabler
Which part is the winner? Lol after researching the time it takes to switch the accumulator I think I’m far from being a winner lol
When I first bought the car it didn’t have any lights but it did have the sound. When I picked up the car following week it had the lights and...
Removed Aux battery and tested next to a good one and got a 3.85v reading on the dead battery, lol. I hooked up a 12.90v reading battery to see if...
My 12v battery died while on ready mode-not ig on- while having laptop hooked up . Could it be that the battery is too low?? Lol I guess I’ll...
My laptop died on me last night before I could play with the pressure sensors. The only part I’m stuck at is correctly testing or knowing a range...
So far I have used a multi meter to test three different batteries for the same car. They have all shown similar and good readings but then again...
I will do that today and see what happens.
Aux battery does seem pretty low but I'm wondering if it's enough to create that sound from the firewall area of my car which can be heard through...
Aux, not six
12v six battery measures Cold with car off: 11.4-11.7 With car on: 13.7-ish
So, I followed the inspection document you sent me and did the voltage check to the wheel pressure sensors and acc sensor 1. I saw no crazy drops...
My skill level is advanced. I have changed fuel pumps, brake boosters, opened these hybrid batteries, opened valve covers and changed suspensions...
The car was bought at an auction and sometimes the 12v batteries get drained being left on overnight or whatever. That’s why I will go back and...
Codes in pic