Separate names with a comma.
Remove the two outside mirrors and mount rear view cameras on each side, with a little view screen on each side inside the car.
Does anyone actually have a dirty engine compartment in a Prius? At 24,000 miles, mine looks like I just drove it off the lot. It is partly...
Agreed, not an insult, but being an academic I am sensitive to being called a 'nerd'. On this drive, I just drove. Except for playing the...
This happened to my 2010 after a few months. It was a quick re-set of controls by the dealer. Works fine ever since.
You got a Prius DVD when you bought the car....
On the last day I had the grill blocked for the winter, I drove a 27 mile stretch of rural road, no stop lights or stop signs, light traffic,...
My Prius displayed mpg is pretty consistently 2mpg optimistic compared to calculated mpg.
We have the same gas here in New England.
Amen. I had a 73 mpg half-tank on the MFD this week, and it was only in the 50s here in NH, way up north of you southerners in Mass! :) We are...
Re: Apology to all that responded to my thread on sunshine causing vision problems on dash instrumen By the way, perhaps you should ask the...
Re: Apology to all that responded to my thread on sunshine causing vision problems on dash instrumen No need to apologize, but refreshing that...
Change the oil for the all the reasons you listed! I did mine at 2000, 5000, 15,000, and 25,000. Well worth the small price.
Watch the average mph reading when you are at a stop light. You'll see it tick down while you are sitting there. Or re-set it while you are on...
I agree with you, but if this is the only grammatical error that bothers you, you sure have a thick skin! And while we are on it, how about...
Every car I've owned has had the same sonic-vibration issue when a rear window was done--Matrix, Corolla, Accord, Civic.
I hope 'higher performance' means better gas mileage. Who would buy a vehicle that only gets 42 mpg?
Are you sure it isn't something simple like wheel alignment? Many reports of bad alignment in Prii.
I believe that Toyota says 10K until the first oil change, but there has been ample discussion here on PC about many people's viewpoint that the...
I've had 2 Black and Decker cordless, they've been good for my 1/3 acre lawn. I continue to take lawn out of production for environmental...
We should put all the roofs in America to use. In case anyone still thinks that nuclear is a good idea, consider that a new 1,500 MW nuclear...