Separate names with a comma.
Yeah, I considered just getting the timing chain service done but the truck only has 50,000 miles so not really due. I'm getting some estimates...
Yep, most good car mechanics/technicians make 6-figures which comes out to about $50 an hour so I don't see anything wrong with a diagnostics...
Did you disconnect the negative battery terminal for at least 5 minutes after doing this? This is a good idea because it will force the ECMs to...
Nice ride! The Prius are the best hybrids out there!! (We have two and a new AWD Corolla Hybrid.)
An an engineer, I'm still fascinated at the hybrid vehicles and believe Toyota's are heads-and-shoulders better than anything else out there....
It's always hard deciding to let a vehicle go or to just replace it....and do I replace it with a good used or buy new? Some big issues these...
I disagree....I DON'T want Toyota to come out with new Generations of vehicles every few years but want them to wait even longer before releasing...
If they DID come out with a "vaccine" for this bird flu, how many of you would rush out to get it? Gosh, I saw one guy who posted he's had 7...
As a former senior-intelligence officer with the US Military, the most plausible explanation, to me, was that the government lost some radioactive...
Yep and I'd advise him to get a mechanic to do a "drain and fill" on all the coolant...there's two systems but use the same coolant and it's a...
Good job, Jim! My 2021 Prius AWD is approaching 50,000 so will doing the tranny fluid change in the Spring. (I already did my wife's 2017 and,...
Yes, I think Toyota does leave about a 2-gallon buffer on their tanks. But be careful letting your tank get low, especially in the winter. Water...
How many miles are on her, now? I agree, the next time you hear the grinding, shift into B and see if that helps. Also try to determine where the...
Yes, tariffs should be used to help protect the American worker. Case in point is our hometown in Northern Maine. It was home to a huge...
Good.....taking taxpayer money from one group and giving it to another group is just stealing. And who can afford $60K vehicles? Only the...
Okay, chalk this up to Operator Error! I searched Toyota parts, a new switch lever is $196! Then I was looking through my digital Owner's Manual...
Well my car is filthy dirty right now from the latest 3-day snow storm Colorado just got....I'll get her washed and see if that helps....I"m also...
I searched but didn't see this issue listed on any Gen 4 topics. 2021 Toyota Prius LE AWD. No mods or anything done. The other night, I turned...
Exactly....being able to read a book or two and passing an exam isn't wisdom, more like regurgitation of information. I had tons of GI Bill...
God Bless America! I served 23-years, 18 countries, and there's no place better than the USA, not even close! "All gave some, some gave all"