Separate names with a comma.
Nice! (y)
Are you sure it will relock with the key fob in it? I have not done that.
Just drive it like a regular car, and enjoy!
Rocky mountain national park, west exit it is about 25 to 30 miles all down hill! (y)
Yes you can! If you regen going down a high mountain, by the time you get to the bottom, that's a lot of braking! :)
Two much sun? get back north fast!:unsure:
look out! Your getting closer and closer to me every year.:)
Stay warm my friend!:)
That's what I have for color. love it, it grows on you! Enjoy your new car!:)
Look at your key fob real close your real key is built in the end of the key fob. Check your manual for a picture of the metal key.
Yes! A standard camera battery, buy just about any where. Have your dealer take your other fob out to your car and have him show you how it...
Who ever looks at a owners manual!!!!!?
When you try, try cat litter under wheels may help.
Congrats! Enjoy!!:)
Oh! So sorry!:D
Sure! Tesla has them all maped out right to my house just for me. I live seven miles away from the super charger in Eau Claire 10 minutes away.:)...
Congrats on the pair nice job!(y):whistle:
Sweet music!(y) I have all the charging stations maped out for when.................;)
Use 87 gas top tier gas. 89 or higher will not help unless you are in the mountains! News reports you are having one of the coldest winters in...