Separate names with a comma.
Sushi (that's my pet rabbit's name)
Get back on track
Still have mine!:photo:
Rigor mortis
Service with a smile:)
Nope. I am not listening to the Tubes. Just the clicking and humming of my computer, and Sushi's snoring. The next poster is praying that...
Yep. But most of the time I prefer my alone-ness. The next poster experienced many technical difficulties at their workplace today.
Krispy Kreme? No. Not going anywhere tonight. I'm in for the evening. The next poster is studying for a quiz.
Ditto on Peter Gabriel! Favorite songs of PG are "Salsbury Hill" and and "Sledgehammer."
That is true. The next poster just finished watching a rerun of SNL.
No, I missed out on Earth Hour. Maybe I'll make up for it on Earth Day. The next poster uses manufacturer coupons in the grocery, even has a...
Were Made
StevO, Can I add Kenny Loggins' "Easy Driver" and Steve Forbert's "The Oil Song" to the mix?
Big bowl of assorted obscure flavors of Hershey Kisses, My Wee-Pri, One Christmas Cactus that refuses to re-bloom but I love it anyway,...
Cat nap
NO, but once co-authored a screenplay and a newspaper article. That's exciting Galaxee. The next poster is listening to distance thunder...
Isn't it a little early for Howl-o-Ween? Best costume: Dress in khaki fatigues from waist up. Ordinary clothes from waist down. Can...
Nope. I'm ust trying to maintain. The next poster has to retract their last post (3854 I think) because now, 2 days later, they have summer cold.