Separate names with a comma.
Goodness, gracious no! But hope you feel better soon. The next poster is off tomorrow and hopes to do a little shopping and find some...
Oh yes... am feeling a bit sleep deprived. New neighbors are a house full of rowdy beer-drinking under-age college boys. One more night of...
Yes, I feel your pain. I'm working tomorrow too. The next poster has seen a UFO sometime in her/his life :alien:
Yes, but you don't want it to look TOO clean because people won't believe I do any work! The next poster is listening to a terrific rainstorm...
NO, No kids. But congrats to yours! The next poster can't guit yawning. Time for bed.
No, went to work today. The next poster is thinking about trying to find a church to join.
No, but dozed on the couch for a few minutes while watching Sex in the City. The next poster is wearing flannel pajamas and it's 90 degrees...
I would like to nominate Galaxee for her "The Next Poster" thread. And also a special award to Eclecticmoi her muffinistic contributions to PC...
NO, Havent been to Texas in almost 20 years. The next poster JUST turned their calendar page over from May to June.
Nope, but you know what goofy thing I did do today?... I got this wonderful front row endspot parking place at work today, then at quitting time...
No, just posting to stay awake. The next poster hopes to sleep in REALLY late tomorrow. (belated Happy B-day Janis!)
RagtimeJoe, I wouldn't pay anything over MSRP. When I was shopping for a Prius, Rivergate had one on the lot for about 4000 over MSRP. I didn't...
That's the word from my accountant too. This "rebate" is not taxable income next year. He knows is stuff too. I won't get mine until sometime...
My plan for this weekend is to make as few plans as possible. The next poster is trying to find the proverbial needle in a haystack (a missing...
Probably more often than you, Orion, but still not as much as I used to. Too busy and too tired. The next poster taught a class tonight but is...
No, but I heard it's better than the first Narnia movie, which I didn't see either. I do want to see the Sex and the City movie though. The...
I did a few months ago, right before my car got hit. Won't be due for another one until August. The next poster got some new neighbors today.
The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch, Eleanor of Aquitaine by Alison Weir (I read books in twos--my upstairs book and my downstairs book)
Nope. AC works too well at my workplace. Usually have to wear a sweater or jacket. High today was 70 and rainy. The next poster is sad because...
Yes, Janis, I second that motion! Two-fer Tuesdays. The next poster sympathizes with Hyo because they also fell and hurt some body parts...