Separate names with a comma.
Plus they are the heated mirror also.
PC member BurnaJ purchased these from eBay and confirmed that they are a Toyota part number and wide angle. Here is a pic if the package with part...
Here ya go! [media]
Karasmyth, are you looking to sell yours or give it away? Is yours the chrome version also? PlusIV
The +5 spacer will actually give you a +30 offset, which will make it stick out further. You will need to drill out the lug holes to get the +40...
I wish they made this for left hand drive. Nice looking shift knob. GLWS! PlusIV
Did you have these made or did you order them? Looks cool to me. KCCO
So I one-upped myself today. In an earlier post, I removed the BP mirror covers and Plastidipped them. [ATTACH] Today, I replaced the...
I second that! Very clean, tasteful modding.
Has Aerojacket produced one yet? I like how this one sits above the nozzle.
Nice roof spoiler. Where did you get that? Is it different than the one you had on at TORC?
Removed the BP mirror covers, P'dipped them and reinstalled them. Thought the BP covers broke up the all-black look of the windows. And if I...
See? Much better. Nice look.
Easy Khoi, that's why I put the "lol" at the end. Just a joke, that's all. KCCO
No, but do YOU feel any different when driving at all? Lol KCCO
Hey Bino, you need to get that silver engine cover painted/plastidipped black. Would really show off that white pipe.
If there is any silver lining to this, it would be that now you can fill in the holes and have a smooth front bumper. KCCO
Nice setup. Where are you located?
Can't wait for the reveal.
Am I the only one who misses Hawaiianbuilt's thread posts regarding what he has done to his Prius? His modding was well documented and he always...