Separate names with a comma.
how much are you asking for?
Interested! how much for local pick up.
Do you have any other parts? Interested in it and local
I too have a Prius 2010 II .. does that radio with the screen work (aka 2012+) to replace our dated looking stereo?
We should have a meetup one of these days over coffee or something :D
I think it was on Coleman. You were turning left onto 880 North. I honked, but was on the far right lane. :)
I think I saw you yesterday Jamessicat4088. Car looks nice. I was driving with a silver prius gen 3 with Valenti.
I too have huskys. They were good quality and price 30% less than WeatherTech
I'm game!
I just checked around the SF bay area and there is only 1 America's tire that has 1 Energy Saver tire in stock.. seems like the supply has run dry...
Oh Man.. i was just gonna swap them out with the Defenders again since I wanted a quieter ride, but it sounds like should just keep them
Lets do it! send me a PM with paypal info and we can go from there.
do you have a write up on installing it ? I would be interested
So the plan tomorrow is swap my current Premiers A/S with Energy Saver A/S. That means I'll have one more week left before my 30 days is up. If i...
So it looks like from several prius owners observations that the Energy Saver A/S is #1 in fuel efficient and possibly #2 is the Defender....
I'm quite interested! I'm local in SF . Will wait for the pictures. Thanks!
I'm gonna driv ea few more miles this week. I dove about 400 over the weekend doing random errands here and there, and I can tell you the ride...
Mods- Can we move this thread to the Fuel Economy forum. Doesn't really make sense to have this thread here, when most of the tire threads are...
That is a really bad drop of mpg. I maybe experiencing the same. I'll have to special order them from Americas tire as well since they are being...
Thanks for chiming in. I have the Premier now and I'm gonna swap them out with the Energy Saver A/S maybe in the next two weeks. ...