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How many miles are on the car? SM-A536V ?
That sounds about the severity of my engine at ~68k miles. I had to drill it out with doorbell wire before soaking with degreaser and oxyclean. A...
If you get a lot of blow-by from stuck rings, wouldn't that lower manifold vacuum, then would that throw off the EGR pressure diff test? Sent...
Try some fuel system cleaner SM-A536V ?
If you learn the pulse-and-glide technique you'll barely use your battery bars. Mine stays at 6/8 to 7/8 with around town driving. I also get...
Testing strong acids with your tongue is probably not the smartest thing to do. SM-A536V ?
Was the headgasket replaced? If not, is it losing coolant? SM-A536V ?
I would not buy new Toyota components off of eBay. Do a search - there are horror stories. moto g power ?
I've never seen a metal impeller replacement advertised for our cars. Interesting. What's the voltmeter test? moto g power using...
Having it in a location where you can pour hot water over it can help sometimes. In winter just need to empty it more often. I've had it...
I also have a Scangauge 2 and find it very useful. It'd be even more useful if it could display water pump RPM. I have not found the X Gauge...
I suspect you could check for leakage yourself. Don't you just need a blacklight? moto g power ?
It's probably some combination of the ECU relearning the EGR, solvents used during the headgasket procedure boiling off, old engine coolant...
What you need is an Impact Screwdriver moto g power ?
I've just seen this post. Yes, combine it with a radiator block and your intake air temperatures can reach 30°F over ambient.
Is the pipe on the exhaust manifold plugged? Have a bad MAP sensor? moto g power ?
That's all highway. Motor is always hot so gas and moisture have no opportunity to condense in the motor oil. These condensates are what break...
How many months was the oil in service? moto g power ?
Is the PCV hose on your intake manifold sealed now? moto g power ?