Separate names with a comma.
The first thing I would try is to reseat the SD card.
I ordered a camera from a seller on ebay intended for a 2009? Camry, thinking it would be a perfect fit. It was not, but I used the insert that...
I do have it. The Bluetooth failed after about two months. That's why I know about the warranty. Everything else on it works fine. I had another...
The front bumper cover takes a beating, the rest of the car, not so much. I don't see spending $700 to protect it though.
Installing the head is very easy. The seller is ok and responsive, but bear in mind that the warranty is only 30 days. The camera install is...
All of the ECU's in the car are interconnected and many of them share a common buss, so problems in one system can cause seemingly anomalous...
I keep my Icom in the side compartment in the back and have the control head left of the steering wheel. I don't know how applicable that would...
I have driven on several long trips from 8-13 hours and have not had problems. They are not the best seats I have had, but certainly not the worst...
I retrofitted the backup camera. It was a bit of a pain, but it is doable.
Making a backup of the SD card is a good idea. I think I will do the same.
I am told that the bluetooth is integrated on the main board. Since I have expertise in electronics, I may take the time to fix it myself...
They are not refurb units. Here is my exchange with the seller: Me: Hello! I bought a NV7TPR1 from you on May26. Installed it the following...
Yep. It's there on the photo. There is no description anywhere else of a warranty. I will ask the seller and report back.
I don't think I can fault the seller here. I could find no mention of a warranty on the listing and I did not ask. In his reply email to me,...
I have established that the Bluetooth issue on the M&D unit is definitely a hardware failure. This occured about 60 days after I installed the...
It seems that the Bluetooth may have failed on my unit. I originally had it paired with an iPhone 5 and everything worked perfectly. 3 days ago,...
Yes. The in the equation describing the force exerted against the car, speed is a SQUARED term. So other than drafting, speed will have the...
You can gain another 3-4 MPG if you do not use the cruise control and allow the speed to vary according to terrain. I usually get about 56-58...
I absolutely agree. This 100% in accordance with my reasoning when I bought my Prius 2 in early 2012. I have since added built in navigation and,...
Primary reason: True conservatism, which you so aptly described, is demonized among the now dominant extreme radicals on the political right....