Separate names with a comma.
My only advice to you might be to get 4 rather than 2, and read all you can about advantages/disadvantages of snow tyres. "All Season" tyres...
I bought my 2009 Gen II used, back in 2014. The Michelin Energy Savers were about 60% worn, but after another year (and the 2015 winter...
Ah, there are but few of us still remaining! I love driving, and that includes having total control of everything in my car (all the controls,...
…same here, and I prefer to dip my own headlights, floss my own teeth, and wipe my own bum (so many things are getting automated these days,...
Agreed, and talking of Boston, last spring I was on Storrow Drive and started to change lanes to keep to the right (just before Longfellow...
I don't have a PlugIn, but I daresay having to Plug/Unplug might be considered an inconvenience, just like brushing teeth, using the bathroom,...
I think that's what I would have done to keep well out of his way! (…just sayin'!)
I've noticed over the past couple of weeks, there are some of my regular sites which are inaccessible, but the problem is cured by re-booting my...
…but not for lack of a reason, surely? (Shirley) :rolleyes:;)
It is all there in previous posts (of which there are many), but from memory, I bought my 2009 Gen II with 83k miles on odometer back in Jan 2014,...
Only one? Mmmm, that's difficult; perhaps StateofCharge (SoC) although that is also shown on the MFD; perhaps current in/out (Bta), or ICE(HP)...
Here's what I use. I bought my first SG-II, was mightily impressed with it and so got another on eBay. The ROM was an old version, so I...
Chains? Naaaa, them's not chains, now these are chains [MEDIA] :eek:
I'm still waiting for DanTheMan to reply to an inquiry about something in YeOldePriusChatteShoppe I asked a couple of years ago! I'm sure...
I suspected it might be bad, when I noticed the SKS started getting flakey, so I had the Stealership, change it @ 106,000 miles as part of...
Let us not forget that we are now living in The Age Of Entitlement. And I daresay many of the perpetrators are suffering from Affluenza. I rest...
Welcome to PriusChat! The mirrors on my Gen II Prius fold in, but using the Armstrong method! No need for complications and switches and bad...
When I lived in the UK (pre-1983) I drove around in this - [ATTACH] - using a custom-made rope (thank you Peter Minchin) to close the canopy! I...
Well, from the video, it looks a bit complicated to open/close! (:rolleyes:) Sound alarm when tailgate is closing or opening. Quiet motor, noise...
Many years ago shortly after I moved from the UK to here (NE USA) I drove a VW Rabbit, and the pot-holes & ploughed fields which pass for highways...