Separate names with a comma.
Not yet heard of any but Honda jazz mercedes Benz sprinter vans are big targets too Newer Prius the access to the catalytic convertor is more...
That's because the Toyota Prius - a favourite of minicab companies - has been named the most crash-happy model on the road by a Go Compare study,...
Cars most like to be involved in a crash on UK roads
Toyota creates patent for an anti-theft device to dispense tear gas
Codes come and go I was told by the Toyota dealer that codes unless it is currently showing is not valid anymore perhaps get a second opinion on...
My gen 2 Prius averages between 50/55 mix use motorway driving and city driving it has 130,000 miles on the clock regular maintenance
You may want to consider the cat loc or some sort of after market device just for peace of mind apparently they are still targeting even if it’s...
I forgot MPs and councillors can claim off tax payers anyway so they won’t be out of pocket necessarily it’s those tax payers who would be...
Well the car has had no damage the oil was more or less non existent and after oil top up I have done about 12/15000 miles at least and no engine...
Does anyone know an mp or councillor with a Prius if that one gets stolen then there will be uproar for sure
Victimless yes indeed they are not the ones suffering increasing insurance premiums or worrying after work or shopping is the exhaust still there...
[MEDIA] An alternative to the cat lock saw it listed on eBay £265 vs inconvenience of getting it stolen again. Probably can get a mesh like that...
These thieves villains don’t have any fear they steal from peoples driveways while the occupants are in the house but this problem was mainly east...
[MEDIA] Some one got done twice so bad
What that’s a fairly busy place if it is main car park on a good day people come and go quite regularly
I think it goes in phases it was vw Sharans and now it’s Prius it was Honda Accord at one time
Oh sorry I meant did anyone see a engine oil light come on that is what I was after yes I understand it burns oil but what i was more surprised...
Was in Jemca this morning getting the mot done they had two or three Prius waiting for the convertors to be sorted
Sure thing it’s those who work and pay for this are the losers legal aid for those caught stealing too I guess and then if convicted a life with...
I have a gen2 prius the triangle of death came on intermittently. This was at hard breaking so I guess the oil swayed away. There was no low...