Separate names with a comma.
Check out Gullo Toyota or use their price in the negotiations. Also tell them you don't want the extras and for them to take it off. If they...
Unlikely to happen. The cost to upgrade will cost more than the price of a new car after factoring the resale of the car plus the cost of the...
Can we calculate the efficiency of the video? Seems like John used a little over a gallon of gas to drive 39 miles. At the end, it added 22...
Congrats. How much of a discount off MSRP are dealers selling them for now?
Mine says 1:50 as well when I first connect it. But the actual time is about 2:30 because it's at 12 Amps. See posts 105 and 106. I think the...
You're not going to be able to buy a new Tesla M3 for $10k more than your Prime Premium right now. How long has the M3 been out and how many have...
Does your outlet not support 12 amp or you choose to charge slower?
No you don't. How long have you been driving without them? ;)
What to do: The 6 Steps of What To Do if Your Charging Spot is ICEd | Take Charge and Go Put this on windshield: [MEDIA] Or this:...
Anyone have any cold weather driving tips? My car was fogged up so I used the front and rear defroster and my ICE turned on when I had a full battery.
I saw a post in the prices paid forum from @PriusPostus2 where he got a really good deal from Balise Toyota in RI. I contacted the dealership, put...
That's why I flew to RI to buy my Prime for $8,600 off MSRP and drove it 1,700 miles home to TX.
That seems really low. Is your commute very short so the engine doesn't get a chance to warm up? If so, time to upgrade to a Prime. :)
Correct. Don't hold the brake and push the start button twice to get to On mode without Ready. I was wrong about Accessory mode, you cannot see...
And you can get up to $4,502 back on taxes next year. Waze won't work since there's no Android Auto or Apple Carplay.
When it's On without Ready mode, you can see the range (or % if you have it set to that) on the upper left of the MFD, but the screen is really...
Or - You have a Prime and run out of battery mid-day and need it charged in 2 hours instead of 5 to go out again - rare example This is not cost...
I installed a Level 2 EVSE 2 years ago when I had a BEV. Using it now for my 2 PHEVs.
Probably 3 days since my commute is 55 miles. I guess I'm in the same boat as a lot of others. :(