Separate names with a comma.
Codes need to be pulled with a scanner.
Remember every failed attempt to start the car it drains the hybrid battery a little bit. If it gets depleted too much you will not be able to...
How long does the engine “run”for? I believe it’s around 8 to 10 seconds is running off just the battery to try to start. It will sound like the...
I never got any codes so maybe it wasn’t that blocked. It sure looked like it though.and I am still glad I did it. I agree with you Mendel I...
You have the same eye calibration as me. Lol
Here is a photo. You can use your judgment.
Just the amount of light compared to a new EGR cooler. To be clear I have been talking about the cooler not the valve. No way to benchmark my...
I didn’t use a scan tool to check for blockage. I held the EGR up to light to see how much was blocked.
I missed that sorry. Yes head gasket done at 149xxx
My 2010 is at 206,000 I got the Prius about a year ago. Head gasket was done in 2019 with 249,000 miles by dealer under emission warranty. I...
If transmission had water intrusion the fluid would look like a strawberry milk shake. The fluid you showed looks like no water got in. However,...
I had the same symptoms and it was the clock spring. I purchased it off of eBay for 30$ working great so far.
Check with your insurance.
Look at the o2 wiring. Look to make sure they are wired correctly and no bare wires.
Agree with mr_guy If you are a new member will be delayed
What about the hybrid battery sitting for long periods of time. The battery likes to be exercised (driven) it’s not good for these cars to sit...
On a side out the dealer did the head gasket at 149,000 and did not clean the EGR on my car. I inspected it after they did the head gasket it...
Lol it’s all in the my name. “2010moneypit?” It’s actually not been to bad: Head gasket at 149,000 under warranty (carb state) Throttlebody...
It is my understanding that the EGR and heat exchanger are different systems. So if they tested the EGR and it passed that’s great but they did...