Separate names with a comma.
After the cats perform their “mousetrap” duities, they assume their new role in the foodchain as dog food. Nature has already engineered this...
In that case, I recommend running shoes.
I recommend a Glock 27
Retroactive birth control
I believe that the real problem is too many people on the planet. We seem to have already exceeded the carrying capacity of Earth and this...
I connect by blue bluetooth and keep my phone in my pocket.
Yes; there is a simple way to access more of the EV battery for increasing the driving range. Drive in reverse.
This raises an interesting question. Which is more dangerous, driving with a video playing or driving while straining to look in passing cars for...
Add a couple gallons of 94 octane, turn the lights off and put on some mirrored sunglasses and you may qualify as a stealth vehicle.
Yes; if you 1. Charge at home 2. Charge at work and 3. Seldom drive elsewhere.
I got an unused doughnut spare from a wrecked Gen 3 Prius for $30. The lug nut pattern is the same as my 2017 Prime. The doughtnut tire has a...
I don't think the demise of courtesy is unique to Prius. I encounter people gliding through 4-way stops, blocking cars trying to merge and driving...
I’m confused. My Toyota Prime L1 charger takes a little over 5 hours to charge my depleted battery (~6.3kwh). I thought it was 16amps at 120v. My...
I just got the rubber cargo mat and am hoping that the donut spare tire will not slide around so much. I am more concerned about the spare acting...
If this is possible, I would like to know this too!
I don’t think the marks represent equal interval gasolene levels. My simple observation is that the bottom marks represent smaller amounts of gas...
Grrrr .......! :)
Stay calm and courteous. Anger feeds anger, just as calm extinguishes rage. More frequently than not, ignoring nonviolent rage will provide the...
I bought an unused spare tire/wheel from a wrecked Gen 3 for $30. It fits my prime and is cheap insurance. Check wreckers in your area that handle...