Separate names with a comma.
Not all LED replacements are created equal. The $30-50 replacements are unfortunately just not very bright to begin with. The chips generate a lot...
The intake valve oil seals are gray and the exhaust valve oil seals are black.
If a fob is left inside the vehicle, it can still be locked from outside using the second fob. It cannot, however, be locked using the touch...
For the Genius 1 (and higher models), you do have to press the mode button a few times until it gets to 12 V AGM—it doesn't have a way to...
I don't think it is possible to verify that the chain is on correctly without removing the timing chain cover. Yes, the orange links may be on the...
The timing marks do exist, but the other marks being referred to do not on a stock engine. This is throwing everybody off. If one were to create...
The intake and exhaust camshafts are correctly timed to each other, but until you verify that the yellow mark plate on the chain lines up with the...
I would have thought being composed entirely of organic compounds would make engine oil electrically non-conductive.
It failed in less than a month and in less than 700 miles IIRC, but I guess none of that matters. The warranty ended the moment I paid them.
1 year warranty. They did not honor it.
Lane keeping assist camera?
Probably a good idea to continue this discussion in your other thread about the same issue so members can easily see what you've already tried.
Good call on getting Techstream, the FFD clearly shows you have misfires on Cylinder 1. I didn't see in your posts if you'd tried swapping...
The freeze frame data you're going by has 36 parameters. The one you get from Techstream has over 160, and you really do need some of those 160+...
Gen 2 and Gen 3, judging by the pictures. @cww, you might consider reporting your own post to a moderator and request having them move it to the...
This is what TDC looks like with an unbent connecting rod. If it doesn't get up this high for any rotation of the crankshaft, you've got a bent...
It is certainly not ideal, but by design the seal sees more friction from the block than from the crankshaft, so it stays put while you rotate the...
Leave the oil pan in place, and drop the entire crankcase instead. This gives you access to all four connecting rods and pistons without having to...
If the shank diameter (nominally 6.6-6.7 mm) exceeds 6.4 mm, they can be reused.
You can read the the date code on the battery case, but it won't necessarily tell you whether the pack has been refurbished. The traction battery...