Separate names with a comma.
We have Bob (Bob's not technical, by the way)
In the land of UK, I'm paying 6p/KWh overnight, 12p between 7am and Midnight (about 9c and 18c respectively) The petrol's the killer - currently...
Perhaps a little more than that - he also took payment from me later in the day.
My PiP was in for its first (10,000 mile in UK) service last week. I use a dealership near my work, who kindly collect it for me. I'm guessing...
Sky Blue Metallic - UK colour - but to me it looks like Clearwater re-labelled. Maybe the Brits spend more time looking up, you guys looking...
That's a really interesting video, thanks. No - I'm definitely in that setting, doing similar speeds to those shown but don't get that effect?!...
Paras 1&2 agree completely (except we have EV City in exchange for Power, which dumbs things down even beyond Eco) It's EV boost, so-called...
Your patience does you credit sir (maybe rather more than my comprehension does me :whistle: )! I must admit though, I'm puzzled why I don't...
That's the speed (true 70 mph) where my journey time is not too compromised, any slower and I'm spending 3+ hours a day on my commute, which is...
I get that, I'm trying to understand the nuances better, so I can make intelligent choices on the use of EV. I know I can click out of EV mode at...
Perhaps I can clarify for my understanding - I can toggle to get Eco alone showing on the display. I can "leave it be" and EV and Eco show. This...
I wonder if I can piggy-back on this thread, perhaps? I think I'm clear on most things, but perhaps as a double-check for me, do more...
They are, as we would say in the UK, like rocking horse manure over here! I've seen mine +1 so far... Wonder if it's to do with the fact that...
I stick with the 78% nitrogen mix that comes as standard ;)
I'm not sure that's correct based on my experience. I think neither of the UK EV modes offer your top speed in the US - my tipping point is an...
The UK PiP has different modes to the US one. We have Eco, HV/EV and EV City modes. No Power (although that's on regular Prius). Oh and hi from...