Separate names with a comma.
See this: : 90915-YZZN1 Either the YZZN1 or the YZZF2 will work---I've used both, but currently have the YZZN1 installed because I got...
OK, found a diagram that should help: Toyota Prius (NHW11) (2000-2003) Fuse Diagram • Scroll down the page to "Engine...
Consult Owner's Manual. It has pictures of locations for fuses and relays.
Not discounting that you might have a clutch problem with the A/C compressor, the symptoms you describe are very similar to my '02. I replaced the...
The blower fan is located behind the glove box, and is quite visible when you remove the cabin air filter. Have you checked the fuse? See owner's...
You've just discovered why the brothers called themselves "Click and Clack."
Well, speaking of twentieth century, who can forget that the Classic came with a cassette player as standard equipment? I have rarely used mine in...
What dabard051 said. I currently have an Interstate 51R installed in my '02 since May 2017, and it's still going strong. Located in the trunk, the...
The ICE "stalling" while the car isn't moving is normal behavior. The engine is programmed to shut off under that circumstance, unless it is...
You've posted to the Generation 1 forum, and your question relates to Generation 2. Suggest you move to that forum for more replies.
Short answer, yes, provided other systems are up to spec. By design, the Classic HV SOC is typically between 60-80%, IIRC. The indicator on my...
Many thanks! In case I ever need to do this, now I know.
OK, that's a new one on me: "inspection mode." The only way I know of to keep the ICE running is to have "MAX A/C" engaged. Is there another way?
"...and the wonderful thing is, there's no punctuation." "Oh that's marvelous."
Looks like we already have an answer---or do we?
Isn't this what you're looking for? (But how would you ever know to look for "lid" as a category? I just happened to luck out on a brief search.)...
rvgrandma wrote: "Anything plugged into your lighter like GPS will also drain it." This should not happen unless you have "hot-wired" the...
Right you are, dolj. Brain fart---sorry about that!
Did you look at the attached pictures? You can't miss it---circled, yet!
I looked under the hood of my '02. Access to the spritzers would seem to require long-reach needle nose pliers; perhaps regular long- nose would...