Separate names with a comma.
When I was young, I worked at a job that was best described as manually making phone calls for customers. Over 100 women worked the antiquated...
Sorry guys. Not at my best. I'm the first in my branch of the family tree to come down with covid and had to travel 500 miles to catch it from...
I'm pretty sure that I was talking about PHEVs that have a minimum range per charge requirement in order to be marketed here in the far future....
Since this is a complaint thread, I wish the governments would stop making arbitrary requirements for cars. Is there any advantage in day to day...
I also used the torque system for proving that I was alert in my gen 4 Prius Prime Advanced. Twice a month I made 1000 mile round drip drives on...
I like the capacitive system better. The torque system means that I have to frequently counter the car's chosen direction, and I found myself...
If you are in a PG&E service area, then you are saddled with PG&E rates that have punitive pricing that prevents the use of the grid to charge...
A Tesla Semi was apparently returning to the Tesla giga factory in Nevada for a fresh load of cargo when the vehicle ran off the road. These...
Thanks for all the input folks. The first draft of Newsom's edict did not make provisions for allowing PHEVs on the road. I was going to...
I do NOT want to COVER my car with solar panels, but I can see edge cases where It might be useful to generate enough power get to a charging...
That's not quite what I asked about. Usually, if you denigrate a design it's because the design has specific faults. If Mike knows of the...
That's good information for the "typical panel which is about 20% efficient when directly facing the sun." I'd be much more interested in what is...
While that seems like a big deal, the whole thing equates to some inaccurate "max load" stickers after options were installed on the cars that...
It does not need to be a gimmick. If you consider that the Prime gets around 4 miles per kWh and that many errands consist of a few miles driving...
It might be safe, but it's not based on published information from Toyota. Somewhere on this board is a thread there it states the approximate...
I had the same response to this post as Soft_R had. I've had none of these problems. The production shutdown that was mentioned was implemented...
While it's nice that you have faith in your car provider, keep in mind that the analog cell phones (AMPS) went dead in 2008 and the 2G digital...
He's using the common tool of the conspiracy theory. He challenges you to prove him wrong, but when you present him with proof he declares you a...
Well, if you value facts over ego, you need to clean up your post. It has erroneous assertions and assumptions. Surely you know that the...