Separate names with a comma.
Memories from the Good Old Days! Ok, some aviation ICE spark plugs had triple ground electrodes surrounding the center electrode so that if one...
Interesting analysis! I would just mention that the really cheap LED bulbs have bent wire contacts that looked flimsy at best to me. The higher...
Ok, good luck with this! As you had it in maintenance mode and could observe the process, did the radiator fan come on as it should when the ECU...
Comparison data point 2 from our standard shopping loop out to Manassas and return: With tires set at 34 psi (cold) and ambient temperature 66...
Was re-reading this thread and I suddenly thought of one car that would have unpredictable overheating events due to a sticking thermostat in the...
We typically refuel at 500 miles +/-50. A rule of thumb I read in some PC thread was to take the average MPG displayed on the multi-function...
Thank you, Hooiser1, for that video, and thank you to the rest of the respondents in this thread for all the information that encouraged me to...
If no physical leak, the most likely culprits are valve stem seals or piston rings (or both). If compression is normal, the valve stem seals are...
I experienced a head gasket failure on two previous vehicles that manifested by overheating that gradually became worse and worse. I finally read...
Lack of the seal would allow increased water infiltration, I think, and that could cause problems with the electrical components in the door. My...
Enough comparison pairs of data to achieve statical significance at a scientifically acceptable level. We used probability of < .05 in our work...
Hypothesis: Increasing tire pressure from the recommended mid-30s psi range to 40 psi or over will increase overall fuel efficiency (higher mpg or...
If ambient temps were uniformly 80+ degrees Fahrenheit and I observed ICE coolant temps hovering more at 199-204 degrees Fahrenheit, I would...
My aviation training was that gasoline weighs about 6 pounds per gallon (less than water), so the weight savings of keeping the tank 3/4 full...
The engine coolant on our 2012 Prius hatchback usually settles at 195+/-2 degrees Fahrenheit in level driving at 60-70 mph, although on long...
Please try to make certain if that was SMOKE or STEAM coming out the front hood as they point to different sources: If steam-like vapor that tends...
When flying an aircraft I always have had an led flashlight with a red lens on it for seeing the instruments at night with a total electrical...
Congratulations! Welcome to the 700-mile club!
Grit data point 1: 44psi 69.1MFDmpg 96.9miles Although a lab test (e.g. EPA) or field test under as identical conditions as possible (e.g....
Hey Grit, could you maybe jot down your data a couple times for the first (high pressure) week of your 3 weeks versus the last (low pressure)...