Separate names with a comma.
Do wolves eat roosters? Or do they just eat chicken? Is that why they shoot the wolves from planes?
with the dishwasher?
religious bull
Underwood [IMG]
What network was it on?
Did you know that I used to think the lyrics to that song was "I went to the danger zone," instead of "Highway to the danger zone?"
Do you think that she is disingenuous?
Do you think he had a pile of head shots on his desk and he picked the prettiest one? Do you have a crush on her?
Doesn't a maverick instinctively know what it correct and how to do accomplish everything? Isn't that what being a maverick all about? Did McCain...
Better keep those platform shoes
I love this thresd
Cowabunga dude
for healthy teeth
Don't you think that she would be lonely in Washington D.C.? Wouldn't it be hard for her and John to make friends, seeing as how they aren't part...
Did McCain hand pick her? Don't you think she would be better off in Alaska? Would she go hunting in the Rose Garden?
So is it safe to assume that everyone doesn't like her?
What kind of panties do you think that she would wear? Is that a 'cross the line' question?
I pay 550 every six months, full coverage, $500 deductible. State Farm Insurance.
Isn't it funny that on the Mat Su Valley Frontiersman website, it says "No glass ceiling for Palin?" Wouldn't it be nice if she was for...
a tongue workout