Separate names with a comma.
You must know from reading up on the subject that the (purple, green, blue) bars are for the HV (High Voltage, 200 to 250VDC) battery, the one you...
Why did you rebuild? I'm nearing 299,999km ('only' ~184k miles) and its using oil (1 liter per 2-3 tanks, so quart per 17-1800 miles?) but for the...
Thanks for the lnks and ideas! I recently heard some one say that a Tesla is more poluting than a small Peugeot. But that was in regards to...
Yes we would, and please cite your source :D, 'cause normallized gasprice (when converted for $ and gallon) is 8.62$/USGallon for the most basic...
I saw that at first too, but while reading the text I saw it was kWh while the rest was Wh. I am not sure how the feeding back is stopped...
This is measured in minutes per year in the Netherlands, so not an issue. (about 20 minutes on average/year and incidence about once every 3 years...
As said, we (the Dutch) can offset useage vs. yield. For now. So the quest is on to search for solutions to use your surplus and lower your useage...
And you can't yell at them too hard because you need them to be on your good side...:ROFLMAO:
This is HIGHLY unlikely. How did you measure this? Are you 100% sure there's not something else hooked up to the same outlet/input? If not,...
24kW or even 48kW. Wow... (ours is 8kW (single phase) or 17kW (3phase)) But I guess having natural gas supplied to your house isn't the norm....
Sorry about the 120VAC 240VAC error. I thought normal voltage was 120VAC in the US and not even all houses have 240VAC, only if you have large...
So micro-inverters? Brother-in-law just got a couple with micro-inverters. I may add some on the parts that get shadow. Right now I have two...
Probably mentioned this on here before, but I toured the US (and some Canada) by train in 1990. (Toronto, Ottawa, Detroit, Seattle, Vancouver,...
How do you mean this? I've made some not-so-nice comments about the US in this respect, partly fueled (pun intended) by jealousy for your...
I seem to remember that manufacturers and carmagazines had serious doubts (to put it mildly) about the hybrid technology from Toyota. Since just...
Oliemaatschappij: € 0,709 (38.3%) (bare price at oilrefinery) BTW: € 0,321 (17.4%) (Value Added Tax, like a fixed federal tax) Accijns: € 0,821...
Then it must be fake. (Maybe I'm not understanding correctly as I get part of my info from memes, but are there actually people claiming...
Got my first shot today. Now my arm hurts. Maybe I shouldn't have fended off the needle... (Poor joke just to let you know I DID get my first...
So how does this work, you hear it rev up if someone let off a silent one? Or am I taking it too seriously?