Separate names with a comma.
It would be neat to have an internet connected EVSE that communicates with the power company. You would set a time that the car needed to begin...
...and yet your avatar suggests you handle snakes on a daily basis. Good job keeping your trepidation in check and showing your kids to be fearless.
I'd be happy to pay even less for off-peak electricity use. My guess is that peaking power isn't much more expensive than baseline use due to the...
My rate is about $0.08 per kWh. I'm in a liberal state, too. Gas would have to be $1 per gallon to equal electrons in my neck of the woods. That's...
Of course weight matters, but a couple hundred pounds in real life isn't very significant. The EPA numbers are mostly provided by the manufacture,...
Most cars nowadays have "alloy" wheels as standard. Even so, "Premium alloy" wheels are usually offered as a way to increase revenue for the...
I bought a Leaf EVSE for $200 and converted it to L2 for $20 in materials. I spent $70 in materials to install a 14-50 receptacle in the garage....
I used a Kill-o-Watt on the 120v (US standard voltage) EVSE that came with the PiP and calculated about a 75% charging efficiency. Others have...
The electric motor is always more efficient than the gasoline engine because the vast majority of the chemical energy in the battery is converted...
Just to clarify for others reading this forum, Eco mode does not restrict performance potential. Toyota claims full power available no matter what...
I was being serious! I didn't know Toyota called it an eCVT (or rather I forgot they called it that). Just wondering if the mechanic is making...
I once lost a hamster in an enormous pile of wood shingles. Thinking there was little hope to get her back, I put some food in a glass jar and...
Generally I'm more relaxed as a Prius driver, but yesterday I called a guy an A-hole after he raced up along side me on a merging onramp expecting...
What's this talk of a CVT? The Prius doesn't have a CVT, but instead 2 motor generator units, referred to as MG1 and MG2. Is this what you are...
What do the green bubbles represent next to their respective icons?
The focus on the Gen IV Prius was to improve the handling characteristics and to make the styling appeal to those that want a "cool" looking car....
It might help to get a flat cable. [IMG]
Weight has little to do with MPG, so I wouldn't worry too much about that. Get the ATP and PCP if those are features you want. According to the...
I wonder if there is a way to sneak a cable from where the vent ducting meets the vent without drilling? I'm not seeing any images in a quick...
When I want to hide as much cable as possible, I run it from under the driver's side footwell, up the A-pillar, and connect it to the device that...