Separate names with a comma.
Asked admin to move to PIP forum. ;-) 1) Purchased second hand, however low milage. 2) Going by the guess-o-meter, as it used to read say 11 on...
HA!! I was floored when I read (was it BMW) wanted to switch to subscription for heated seats... amazing. One day (and likely Tesla will start it)...
Toyota gets raked over the coals on their software interfaces...we ignored all of it... don't use the built in nav etc...since like
From my perspective, you want discourage a thief from lifting the car in the first place....once they lifted it trouble started. Want to have the...
So disappointed the signal mirrors are not current w/turn signal indicators...figured this was a given for 2023 given how long they have been...
While I do not recall the tint level, I had the same tint all around...looks like while parked. When driving all is fine UNTIL nighttime... the...
If citing stats, please include links and supporting documentation. Thank you.
To add to a new thread as it starts up.... our constitution is n to built around safety in exchange for privacy. There are good and valid...
Worth noting for those not familiar, I learned the hard way that a) the goop works well AND b) no one will service the tire after goop has been...
Toyota website charges extra for the pearl white on the build package.
Anyone else frustrated by subscription models for some of the technology? True, subscription isn't something 'brand' new but in the in past they...
Let me know if this post needs to be moved to a different group... Gen3 2012 PIP (apx. 72,000k) Pattern has been full charge in the summer gets...
Mind sharing details on what was purchased from eBay?
In reading through various threads here and elsewhere, there are a group who would swear by OEM labels for fluids, and others who would state OEM...
All, I had issues with jacks where low profile jacks didn’t have enough lift to get Jack stands in place. I eventually went with a bottle jack,...